Little, Brown and Company

Sacred Land: Decoding Britain's Extraordinary Past Through Its Towns, Villages and Countryside SACRED LAND will enable you to discover the hidden secrets and meaning of the landscape around you, town or country, modern or old, wherever you live in Britain. There has been a dramatic growth in interest in our own history, buildings, landscape, sacred places, beliefs and culture over the last few years and this book will equip you with the tools to unlock the meaning, stories and history that are literally embedded into our landscape. It takes us from street names to churches; from hill forts to burial mounds; from the way a road bends to the shapes of fields in order to understand better the land that lies beneath our feet. In the literal shape of our countryside can be detected the eddies of time, politics, belief, warfare, passion and the durability of the human existence. SACRED LAND is a fascinating, accessible read and the perfect reference guide to have in your home or in your car. It will be of interest to all those people who love history, sacred places and sacred history, and people who like to explore their ancestry and roots. Подробнее
Inspector Singh Investigates: A Curious Indian Cadaver Inspector Singh is sick of sick leave, so when Mrs Singh suggests they attend a family wedding in Mumbai, he grudgingly agrees — hoping that the spicy Indian curries will make up for extended exposure to his wife's relatives. Unfortunately, the beautiful bride-to-be disappears on the eve of her wedding — did she run away to avoid an arranged marriage, or is there something more sinister afoot? When a corpse is found, the fat inspector is soon dragged into a curious murder investigation with very firm instructions from Mrs Singh to exonerate her family. But as he uncovers layer upon layer of deceit, he knows it isn't going to be that easy... Подробнее
Welcome to Rosie Hopkins' Sweetshop of Dreams
, 2012
Rosie Hopkins, city girl to the end, is about to face major upheaval. Her elderly aunt Lily, who lives slap bang in the middle of nowhere, is ill and so, taking a leave of absence from the bustling London hospital where she works, Rosie is putting her friends, her boyfriend and her entire life on hold to move to the depths of the Peak District to help. She's fairly certain she won't be able to get a decent cup of coffee, or Heat magazine — and she's dreading it. Lilian Hopkins has run the village sweetshop all her life — through wartime and family feuds, observing as the village around her has grown and changed with the times. As she struggles with the idea that it might finally be time to sell up, she also wrestles with the secret history hidden behind the jars of beautifully coloured sweets. Will Rosie come round to the charms of the old sweetshop on the Northern road? Can Lilian come to terms with her past, and learn to let go? Подробнее
The Devil's Novice
, 2005
Outside the pale of the abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, in September of the year of our Lord 1140, a priestly emissary for King Stephen has been reported missing. But inside the pale, Brother Cadfael's attention is turned on Meriet, a proud, secretive, nineteen year old novice who has been delivered to the abbey by his over-bearing father the Lord of Aspley, to begin a religious vocation. Meriet, meek by day, is so racked by dreams at night that his howl earns him the nickname of the Devil's Novice. Shunned and feared, Meriet is soon linked to the missing priest's fate. Only Brother Cadfael believes in Meriet's innocence, and only the good sleuth can uncover the truth before a boy's pure passion, not evil intent, leads a novice to the noose. Подробнее
The Sanctuary Sparrow
, 2005
In the gentle Shrewsbury spring of 1140 the midnight matins at the Benedictine abbey suddenly reverberates with an unholy sound, a hunt in full cry. Pursued by a drunken mob, the quarry is running for its life. When the frantic creature bursts into the nave to claim sanctuary, Brother Cadfael finds himself fighting off armed townsmen to save a terrified young man. Accused of robbery and murder is Liliwin, a wandering minstrel who performed at the wedding of the local goldsmith's son. But his supposed victim, the miserly craftsman, is still alive, although a strongbox lies empty. Brother Cadfael believes that Liliwin is innocent, but finding the truth and the treasure before Liliwin's respite in sanctuary runs out may uncover a deadlier sin than thievery — a desperate love that nothing, not even the threat of hanging, can stop. Подробнее
Dead Man's Ransom
, 2005
In the February of the year of our Lord 1141, men march home from war to Shrewsbury, but the captured Sheriff Gilbert Prestcote is not among them. Elis, a young Welsh prisoner, is, and he is delivered to the Abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul to begin a tale that will test Brother Cadfael's sense of justice... and his heart. By good fortune, it seems, the prisoner can be exchanged as Sheriff Prestcote's ransom. What none expects is that good-natured Elis will be struck down by Cupid's arrow. The sherrif's own daughter holds him in thrall, and she too, is blind with passion. Now regaining her father means losing her lover. But then the sheriff ailing and frail, is brought to the abbey's infirmary and murdered there. Suspicion falls on the prisoner, who only has his Welsh honour to gain Brother Cadfael's help. And Cadfael gives it, not knowing the truth will be a trial for his own soul. Подробнее
A Wedding in December
, 2006
At an inn in the Berkshire Mountains of western Massachusetts, seven former schoolmates gather for a wedding. Nora, the owner of the inn, has recently had to reinvent her life following the death of her husband. Avery, who still hears echoes from a horrific event at Kidd Academy twenty-six years ago, has made a life for himself in Toronto with his wife and two sons. Agnes, now a history teacher at Kidd is a woman who longs to tell a secret she cannot reveal to the others, a secret that would stun them all. Bridget, the mother of a fifteen-year-old boy, has agreed to marry Bill, an old high school lover whom she has recently remet, despite uncertainties about her health and future. Indeed, it is Bill who passionately wants this wedding and who has brought everyone together for an astonishing weekend of revelation and recrimination, forgiveness and redemption. This is Anita Shreve's most ambitious and moving novel to date, probing into human motivation with extraordinary grace and skill. Подробнее
New Moon I stuck my finger under the edge of the paper and jerked it under the tape. Shoot, I muttered when the paper sliced my finger. A single drop of blood oozed from the tiny cut. It all happened very quickly then. No, Edward roared Dazed and disorientated, I looked up from the bright red blood pulsing out of my arm — and into the fevered eyes of the six suddenly ravenous vampires. For Bella Swan, there is one thing more important than life itself: Edward Cullen. But being in love with a vampire is more dangerous than Bella ever could have imagined. Edward has already rescued Bella from the clutches of an evil vampire but now, as their daring relationship threatens all that is near and dear to them, they realise their troubles may just be beginning Подробнее
Eclipse 'Bella?' Edward's soft voice came from behind me. I turned to see him spring lightly up the porch steps, his hair windblown from running. He pulled me into his arms at once, and kissed me again. His kiss frightened me. There was too much tension, too strong an edge to the way his lips crushed mine like he was afraid we had only so much time left to us. As Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge, Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the ageless struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation approaching, Bella has one more decision to make: life or death. But which is which? Following the international bestsellers Twilight and New Moon, Eclipse is the much-anticipated third book in Stephenie Meyer's captivating saga of vampire romance. Подробнее
Mapping the Edge
, 2000
Anna packs her bags one day without telling anyone where and why she is going — just that she'll be back soon. Her thoughts, as she boards a plane, is that this journey will give her time to think about her life — as a woman hitting forty, a journalist and a single mother. She has no premonition that she will become a statistic in a missing person file. Left at home is Anna's beloved six year old daughter Lily, her gay friend Paul who is surrogate father to Lily, and her eccentric best friend Estella. When Anna doesn't return, they make uneasy excuses, until, as time passes, the mind-numbing possibility that Anna might not be coming back, becomes terrifyingly real. And while those closest to her battle with their imaginations, Anna is on a dark journey — in one scenario Anna is on a ravishing, sexual adventure, on the other, much darker voyage, she is the victim of a stranger's dangerous sexual fantasy. In a masterpiece of emotionally intelligent and nerve-wracking suspense, Sarah Dunant takes us to the very edge. Подробнее
The Churchills: A Family at the Heart of History — from the Duke of Marlborough to Winston Churchill 'There never was a Churchill from John of Marlborough down who had either morals or principles', so said Gladstone. From the First Duke of Marlborough — soldier of genius, restless empire-builder and cuckolder of Charles II — onwards, the Churchills have been politicians, gamblers and profligates, heroes and womanisers. The Churchills is a richly layered portrait of an extraordinary set of men and women — grandly ambitious, regularly impecunious, impulsive, arrogant and brave. And towering above the Churchill clan is the figure of Winston — his failures and his triumphs shown in a new and revealing context — ultimately our 'greatest Briton'. Подробнее
Blinded and Missing Persons Blinded Psychologist Alan Gregory has a new patient: Gibbs Storey, whose looks turn grown men into dazzled adolescents. She tells Alan that she thinks her husband, Sterling, may have murdered one of her friends. Blandly recounting a history of dangerous sexual encounters, Gibbs stuns Alan with another revelation: she thinks there are other victims... and that her husband will kill again. Struggling with a strict confidentiality agreement, Alan walks a perilous ethical line by revealing just enough to interest his detective friend, Sam Purdy, and start a search for a missing Sterling Storey and a string of innocent victims. But are they too late to stop more killings? Missing Persons Hannah Grant had volunteered to cover Alan Gregory's practice over the Christmas period, but when he and another colleague called at her office they discovered her body, the cause of death not clear. Then on Christmas Day itself a fourteen-year-old girl is reported missing — eight years to the day after another missing child had been discovered murdered — a girl who had she lived would have been fourteen.Then it emerges that the parents of the latest missing girl had been treated by Alan some years ago, and recently the girl herself had consulted Hannah. Could any of these tangential connections prove to be links to both deaths and the missing girl, or are they mere coincidences? Подробнее
The Lazy Girl's Guide to the High Life on a Budget
, 2009
Worried about how you'll be able to afford all the things you love in the midst of the credit crisis? With almost twice as many people aged 18-24 as stressed by their financial situation as those aged over 55, and a third of 18-30 year olds cutting back on going out due to limited funds, THE LAZY GIRL'S GUIDE TO THE HIGH LIFE ON A BUDGET is an essential survival guide to living it up without losing the plot. It's about making sense of the credit crunch, dealing with your debts and learning to be thrifty, all so you can live your life as glamorously as you want. Full of tips on how to do everything from the frivolous shop smartly and be supermarket savvy to the serious downshift and bounce back from redundancy it's the most prudent buy of the season. Подробнее
The Legend of the Crystal Lens Tomb raider Simon Bonner wants out of the looting game... until a mysterious crystal lens lands on his doorstep. Legend has it that this lens holds the key to the archives of man — a Mexican tomb that explains the root of all knowledge. There's just one problem — he doesn't know how to use it. Museum curator Jillian Talbot's ability to see an object's history is her secret, so when Simon approaches her, she finds it hard to believe that she's the seer of legend — that only she can unlock the mystery behind the crystal lens. Journeying into the jungles of Mexico, with evil crooks hot on their tail and a growing passion between them, every move for Jillian and Simon becomes a terrifying dance with danger. Подробнее
Star Gazing Blind since birth, widowed in her twenties, now lonely in her forties, Marianne Fraser lives in Edinburgh in elegant, angry anonymity with her sister, Louisa, a successful novelist. Marianne's passionate nature finds solace and expression in music, a love she finds she shares with Keir, a man she encounters on her doorstep one winter's night. Whilst Marianne has had her share of men attracted to her because they want to rescue her, Keir makes no concession to her condition. He is abrupt to the point of rudeness, and yet oddly kind. But can Marianne trust her feelings for this reclusive stranger who wants to take a blind woman to his island home on Skye, to 'show' her the stars? Подробнее
A Long Way from Verona
, 2009
'I ought to tell you at the beginning that I am not quite normal having had a violent experience at the age of nine' Jessica Vye's 'violent experience' colours her schooldays and her reaction to the world around her a confining world of Order Marks, wartime restrictions, viyella dresses, nicely-restrained essays and dusty tea shops. For Jessica she has been told that she is 'beyond all possible doubt', a born writer. With her inability to conform, her absolute compulsion to tell the truth and her dedication to accurately noting her experiences, she knows this anyway. But what she doesn't know is that the experiences that sustain and enrich her burgeoning talent will one day lead to a new and entirely unexpected reality. Подробнее
The PH Miracle for Weight Loss: Balance Your Body Chemistry, Achieve Your Ideal Weight Forget cholesterol counts. Forget calories and fat grams. If you want to lose weight, follow the guidelines in The pH Miracle. Dr Robert Young and his wife, Shelley Redford Young, reveal a revolutionary diet and lifestyle program that unlocks the secrets of pH balance as a means to weight loss. They offer a simple 7-step lifestyle program to balance your body chemistry, change your shape and get you to your ideal weight — and keep you there. From the science behind the plan to recipes and a detailed exercise plan, this book lays the groundwork for success. Подробнее
Inspector Singh Investigates: A Bali Conspiracy Most Foul Inspector Singh is back, but this time on secondment to Bali. A bomb had been let off in the most touristy part of the island and Singh has been sent to help with security and anti-terrorist measures. But very soon the Bali police realise Singh has little to offer them in terms of experience in this field. He's much better suited to doing what he's good at — solving murder. Simple! So when a body is discovered in the wreckage, killed by a bullet before the bomb went off, Singh should be the one to find the answers. But simple murders are never as simple as they seem and this one has far-reaching political consequences... Подробнее
Skeleton Hill Battle and burial are built into the history of Lansdown Hill, so it is no great shock when part of a skeleton is unearthed there. But Peter Diamond, Bath's Head of CID, can't ignore the fresh corpse found close to the folly known as Beckford's Tower. The hill becomes the setting for one of the most puzzling cases he has investigated, involving golf, horseracing, Civil War re-enactment and the Cyrillic alphabet. Inevitably, Diamond butts heads with the group of vigilantes who call themselves the Lansdown Society, discovering in the process that his boss Georgina is a member. She resolves to sideline Diamond by sending him to Bristol and handing the skeleton investigation to his deputy, Keith Halliwell. Fortunately matters don't pan out as Georgina plans... Подробнее
Red Riding Hood Valerie is in love with the dangerous and unlikable Peter (a woodcutter, of course) but is betrothed to the rich hot blacksmith in town, Henry. Their town has been terrorized by a wolf that appears only at the full moon and when Valerie's sister is brutally murdered the message is clear: she's next. Подробнее


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