Grisham John

The Racketeer
, 2012
Given the importance of what they do, and the controversies that often surround them, and the violent people they sometimes confront, it is remarkable that in the history of this country only four active federal judges have been murdered. Judge Raymond Fogletree just became number five. His body was found in the small basement of a lakeside cabin he had built himself and frequently used on weekends. When he did not show up for a trial on Monday morning, his law clerks panicked, called the FBI, and in due course the agents found the crime scene. There was no forced entry, no struggle, just two dead bodies — Judge Fogletree and his young secretary. I did not know Judge Fogletree, but I know who killed him, and why. I am a lawyer, and I am in prison. It's a long story. Подробнее
The Rainmaker
, 2011
Rudy Baylor is a newly qualified lawyer: he has one case, and one case alone, to save himself from his mounting debts. His case is against a giant insurance company which could have saved a young man's life, but instead refused to pay the claim until it was too late. The settlement could be worth millions of dollars, but there is one problem: Rudy has never argued a case in court before, and he's up against the most expensive lawyers that money can buy. Подробнее
A Time To Kill
, 2011
When Carl Lee Hailey guns down the monsters who have raped his ten-year-old child, the people of Clanton see it as a crime of blood and call for his acquittal. But when extremists outside Clanton hear that a black man has killed two white men, they invade the town, determined to destroy anything and anyone that opposes their sense of justice. Jake Brigance has been hired to defend Hailey. It's the kind of case that can make or break a young lawyer. But in the maelstrom of Clanton, it is also the kind of case that could get a young lawyer killed. The best thriller writer alive — Ken Follett, Evening Standard. Grisham is a natural storyteller — Daily Telegraph. A giant of the thriller genre — Time Out. Leaves one eager for more — Spectator. Подробнее
Calico Joe
, 2013
Thirty years have passed since eleven-year-old Paul Tracy watched his troubled father, Warren, a pitcher for the New York Mets, clash with his childhood hero, the Cubs' golden-boy Joe Castle, in a contest from which no winners emerged. Now the news that his father is dying brings the memory of that day flooding back. Deciding that it's time to face up to what really happened on that baseball field in 1973, father and son make their way to Calico Rock, Arkansas, where either redemption or rejection awaits them. Подробнее
King of Torts
, 2011
Clay Carter has worked in the Office of the Public Defender for years for low pay when he defends another murderer. But things are not what they seem. This is his opportunity to make money and a reputation, as he battles with large pharmaceutical companies. Will he become the King of Torts? Подробнее
The Client (+ Audio CD)
, 2011
Mark Sway is eleven and he knows a terrible secret. He knows where a body is hidden. Some secrets are so dangerous that it's better not to tell. But it's just as dangerous if you don't. So Mark needs help fast... because there isn't much time. Подробнее
The Brethren (+ Audio CD)
, 2008
Three former judges are in prison. They call themselves the Brethren and organize a pen-pal scam. The money is pouring in. But then the Brethren contact the wrong pen-pal — a powerful man with dangerous friends. Подробнее
The Firm (+ Audio CD)
, 2008
Mitch McDeere is young, intelligent and ambitious. When he gets a job with the law firm of Bendini, Lambert & Locke it seems to be the path to money and power. But soon Mitch finds that the firm is listening to all his phone calls, and the FBI want to speak to him. Money and power has a price and it could be Mitch's life. Подробнее
Calico Joe
, 2013
In this surprising and moving novel, the careers of a golden-boy rookie hitter for the Cubs and a hard-hitting Mets pitcher take very different paths. The baseball is thrilling, but it's what happens off the field that makes Calico Joe a classic. Подробнее
Calico Joe
, 2013
Thirty years have passed since eleven-year-old Paul Tracy watched his troubled father, Warren, a pitcher for the New York Mets, clash with his childhood hero, the Cubs' golden-boy Joe Castle, in a contest from which no winners emerged. Now the news that his father is dying brings the memory of that day flooding back. Deciding that it's time to face up to what really happened on that baseball field in 1973, father and son make their way to Calico Rock, Arkansas, where either redemption or rejection awaits them. Подробнее
Theodore Boone: the Accused
, 2005
Theodore Boone is the thirteen year old who knows more about the law than most adult lawyers. He certainly never expected to be the victim of crime himself. But then his bike is vandalised, he's attacked while doing his homework and, worst of all, framed for a robbery. When stolen computer equipment turns up in Theo's school locker, the police start leaning on him hard. And he is the only suspect. What if he is found guilty? What about his dreams of becoming a lawyer? In a race against time, aided by his renegade uncle, Ike, Theo must find the real felon and reveal the true motivation behind the crimes of which he stands accused. Подробнее
, 2000
Après avoir simulé sa mort accidentelle, Patrick Lanigan, un avocat brillant, s'est volatilisé avec les 90 millions de dollars destinés à ses associés. Un coup de maître que ses ennemis ne sont pas près de lui pardonner. Au bout de quatre années de cavale, il est rattrapé et torturé par ses poursuivants avant de tomber entre les mains de la justice. Tout le monde veut la peau de Patrick Lanigan, à n'importe quel prix. Mais dans son plan machiavélique, l'avocat a tout prévu... ou presque. Подробнее
Le testament
, 2010
Cette fortune fascine le monde entier, sauf la première intéressée: l'héritière. Allez savoir où se trouve Rachel? Aux confins du Brésil et de la Bolivie, dans une terrible forêt amazonienne, où elle soigne et protège une tribu indienne. Coupée du monde, à dix heures de pirogue de tout village, comment saurait-elle que son père vient de lui léguer onze milliards de dollars? C'est le dernier caprice du vieux Troy Phelan, l'un des hommes les plus riches du monde, qui déshérite ses six ayants droit légitimes au profit de cette fille naturelle. A New York, une bataille juridique titanesque s'engage. Mais qui peut prévoir la réaction de Rachel, si on la retrouve? Existe-t-il un homme assez fou pour se lancer dans l'aventure? Seul Nate O'Riley, avocat sur la touche, accepte la mission impossible. Подробнее
Runway Jury (+ Audio CD)
, 2011
Pynex, a tobacco company, could lose hundreds of millions of dollars in a big court case. The jury is being watched. One of the jurors is working with a mysterious woman outside the court. Both sides will do anything to win. Подробнее
Theodore Boone: The Accused
, 2013
Big trouble is brewing for Theodore Boone. While all of Streenburg anxiously awaits the new trial of infamous murder suspect Pete Duffy, problems arise for their own kid lawyer. Подробнее
Skipping Christmas: Christmas with the Kranks
, 2011
Imagine a year without Christmas. No crowded shops, no corny office parties, no fruitcakes, no unwanted presents. That's just what Luther and Nora Krank have in mind when they decide that, just this once, they'll skip the holiday altogether. Theirs will be the only house on the street without a rooftop Frosty the snowman; they won't be hosting their annual Christmas Eve bash; they aren't even going to have a tree. They won't need one, because come December 25 they're setting sail on a Caribbean cruise. But, as this weary couple is about to discover, skipping Christmas brings enormous consequences-and isn't half as easy as they'd imagined. A classic tale for modern times, Skipping Christmas offers a hilarious look at the chaos and frenzy that has become part of our holiday tradition. Подробнее
Skipping Christmas
, 2010
Luther and Nora Krank are fed up with the chaos of Christmas. The endless shopping lists, the frenzied dashes through the mall, the hassle of decorating the tree... where has all the joy gone? This year, celebrating seems like too much effort. With their only child off in Peru, they decide that just this once, they'll skip the holidays. They spend their Christmas budget on a Caribbean cruise set to sail on December 25, and happily settle in for a restful holiday season free of rooftop snowmen and festive parties. But the Kranks soon learn that their vacation from Christmas isn't much of a vacation at all, and that skipping the holidays has consequences they didn't bargain for... A modern Christmas classic, Skipping Christmas is a charming and hilarious look at the mayhem and madness that have become ingrained in our holiday tradition. Подробнее
Theodore Boone: The Activist
, 2005
John Grisham delivers high intensity legal drama for a new generation of readers in the fourth novel in his bestselling Theodore Boone series. Though he's only thirteen, Theodore Boone has spent more time in the courtroom than almost anywhere else, and there's always a new adventure waiting. After having been falsely accused of vandalism and theft, Theo is happy to finally be out of the hot seat, once more dispensing legal advice to friends and community members, when an exciting new case demands his urgent attention. Подробнее
The Racketeer
, 2013
Given the importance of what they do, and the controversies that often surround them, and the violent people they sometimes confront, it is remarkable that in the history of the USA only four active federal judges have been murdered. Judge Raymond Fawcett just became number five. His body was found in the small basement of a lakeside cabin he had built himself and frequently used on weekends. When he did not show up for a trial on Monday morning, his law clerks panicked, called the FBI, and in due course the agents found the crime scene. There was no forced entry, no struggle, just two dead bodies — Judge Fawcett and his young secretary. I did not know Judge Fawcett, but I know who killed him, and why. I am a lawyer, and I am in prison. It's a long story. Подробнее
Theodore Boone: The Accused
, 2013
Theodore Boone is the thirteen year old who knows more about the law than most adult lawyers. He certainly never expected to be the victim of crime himself. But then his bike is vandalised, he's attacked while doing his homework and, worst of all, framed for a robbery. When stolen computer equipment turns up in Theo's school locker, the police start leaning on him hard. And he is the only suspect. What if he is found guilty? What about his dreams of becoming a lawyer? In a race against time, aided by his renegade uncle, Ike, Theo must find the real felon and reveal the true motivation behind the crimes of which he stands accused. Подробнее


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